Obfuscation Tool
PBO Tools - Obfuscator v1.5.0
- Resolved an issue that caused the error message Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'path')to appear.
- Resolved an issue that was preventing model binarization.
- Restored the feature that sends obfuscated code to the mod input, now renamed to _obfuscated.
- For lifetime subscriptions, the expiration date will now display as N/A.
- Excluded .eddsfiles from compression.
- Excluded .inifiles from PBO.
- Divided the configuration into sections for better readability.
- Enhanced code obfuscation with increased randomization.
- Introduced advanced obfuscation that stops PBO Manager 3 and DeMikero.
- dad1e0eea87fb6b58083c3d05e31470d6fe548a195e9ab418b295007e2337458
- Advanced obfuscation requires [Addon] Advanced ProtectionAvailable for purchase at PBO Tools or aPBO Tools - Professional EditionLifetimesubscription.
- Advanced obfuscation may slow down the loading and signing of your PBO. If you encounter issues, you can disable this feature by setting CrashUnpackerstofalse.
- When updating to PBO Tools v.1.5.0, we recommend deleting the settings.jsonfile located atDocuments\SIX Software\PBO Tools\Settings.json.
- Config is divided into sections, designed to be more readable.
"Version": "1.9",
"Configuration": {
"SelectedGame": "DayZ",
"PBOOutputLocation": "P:\\Output\\",
"SigningKeyLocation": ""
"NotificationSettings": {
"NotifyOnErrors": true,
"NotifyOnSuccess": true
"Updates": {
"CheckForUpdates": true
"ExclusionLists": {
"ExcludeFromPBO": [
"ExcludeFromCompression": [
"PBOSettings": {
"BinarizeModels": true,
"BinarizeConfigs": true,
"CompressPBO": true
"PBOObfuscation": {
"JunkFiles": true,
"CrashUnpackers": true,
"ScrambleScriptPaths": true,
"UseWindowsGUIDs": false,
"InvalidFileExtensions": true,
"ComplexPaths": true,
"IncludeNonVisibleChars": true
"CodeObfuscation": {
"ObfuscateClasses": true,
"ObfuscateFunctions": true,
"ObfuscateTypes": true,
"ObfuscateVariables": true,
"ObfuscateStrings": true,
"TypeDefines": false